Answer: Circle of Parents® is a mutual support and self-help program for parents based on a framework of shared leadership, mutual respect, shared ownership and inclusiveness. Mutual support and self-help programs promote positive parenting and help prevent child abuse and neglect in communities by providing social support, reducing isolation and building self-esteem of parents.
Answer: There is no cost for facilitator training, children’s program training, or for the training manuals, parent handbooks, brochures and facilitator packet of handouts. However, all facilitators and children’s program specialists must have a current background check, and this cost will be incurred by the sponsoring agency.
Answer: The support of others who have experienced similar situations reduces stress and helps encourage parents to learn alternative strategies for coping successfully with the challenges of raising children.
Answer: Circle of Parents® support groups are gatherings where parents talk about their parenting and the changes they are striving to make in their home life.
Answer: Parent empowerment is the cornerstone of our work. Circle of Parents® support groups are led by a trained facilitator (or co-facilitator) and a parent group leader, all of whom share the responsibility of the group’s success.
Answer: In terms of evidence-based practice, the Circle of Parents® program currently meets all the criteria for programmatic characteristics and research and evaluation characteristics for classification as a PART CBCAP "Promising Programs and Practices" as a result of the recently completed national research project.
Answer: Contact the executive director at 850-921-4494 ext. 164 and ask for an information packet. After reviewing the packet, the sponsoring agency representative will sign the partnership agreement found in the information packet and return it to the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida office at 111 N. Gadsden St., Tallahassee, FL 32301. After the partnership agreement has been reviewed and signed by the Ounce of Prevention Fund representative, a facilitator training will be scheduled at the sponsoring agency’s location.